Northwestern Minnesota Republican Women Chapter is Launching!

September 9th, 2019 – FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Karlstad, MN A new chapter of Minnesota Federation of Republican Women (MNFRW) is starting up in the northwestern corner of the state.  “When Minnesota Republican Women join together as a political force, we make the right things happen.  As women, our influences can lead to better government policy as we work within the Party to promote Freedom, Equality and Justice,” according to Amanda Hughes of Karlstad, a volunteer with MNFRW.

The new chapter will include the counties in Senate District 1 (SD1) of Minnesota including Kittson, Roseau, Marshall, Pennington, Polk and Red Lake.  The mission of MNFRW is to encourage, educate and support Republican women from all age groups and walks of life to be key players at the political table on national, state and local issues.

“As a community volunteer, I’ve been working with other grassroot volunteers to get this new MNFRW chapter organized. However, I believe it will become an official chapter soon,” said Hughes. In fact, she added, “I am very excited to gather with other ladies throughout the northwestern corner of the state and band together with our Republican Principles, strong work ethic, and campaign to retain our State Senate seat, our 2 State House seats, re-elect President Trump, and replace Democrat U.S. Senator Tina Smith and U.S. Congressman Collin Peterson with Republicans. I believe with more conversations and connecting with our neighbors, we can elect a Republican U.S. Senator and Congressman who better represents our values.”

The first Northwestern Minnesota Republican Women’s Chapter meeting will be Sat., Sept. 21 at 1 pm at the apartment meeting room located at 712 Atlantic Ave., Thief River Falls. “I am very happy to come to SD1 to help organize this new chapter of the MNFRW,” said Kathy Tingelstad, President of the Statewide MNFRW and a former Republican State Legislator.

Besides MNFRW President Kathy Tingelstad, in attendance will be a member of the Trump Victory Team, Representative Dan Fabian, and possibly Senator Mark Johnson.  This will be a valuable opportunity to hear a legislative update from our SD1 legislators, and ask questions.  We are excited that Representative Deb Kiel will be joining Northwestern Minnesota Republican Women but she will be unable to attend this first meeting due to legislative obligations.  We are confident we will meet with her soon.  And of course, we are enthusiastic to hear about the Trump 2020 victory plans!

According to Hughes, subsequent meetings will be moved throughout every county in SD1.  In order to become an official MNFRW chapter the Northwestern Minnesota Republican Women need 10 women to sign up with $35 dues.  Hughes believes that goal will be surpassed at the Sept. 21 meeting.  For women unable to attend that first meeting, but wanting to become a “Founding Member”, Hughes encourages them to send a check for $35 made out to Northwestern Minnesota Republican Women to Amanda Hughes, PO Box 248, Karlstad, MN 56732.

Members of MNFRW are automatically also members of the National Federation of Republican Women, which was founded over 80 years ago. Local chapters throughout the United States are known for: monthly speakers who address challenging political topics, train women to run for office, as well as community service projects related to patriotism and “Caring for America.”

For more information about Minnesota Federation of Republican Women check out  For questions about the upcoming meeting or membership please contact Amanda Hughes at 218-436-4010.