WHEN: Saturday, February 13, at 12:30pm
WHERE: Mendakota Country Club, 2075 Mendakota Drive, Mendota Heights, MN 55120
Catch the excitement as GOP Deputy Chair Chris Fields hosts a debate by representatives of Republican Presidential candidates!
While we couldn’t get the actual Presidential candidates to appear, we are pleased to announce that Minnesota leaders for campaigns of Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Carly Fiorina, and Ben Carson are expected to be on a discussion panel hosted by our very own GOP Deputy Chair Chris Fields.
You will be able to see how your favorite candidate compares with others. If you haven’t decided on a favorite yet, maybe you’ll be surprised at what they have to say. In any event, you’ll have to come to experience the excitement, the energy, and the unexpected!
RSVP: $25 per person. Email joyfully.mary@gmail.com to reserve your space!