Daughters for Republican Liberty Mobilize for Local Change

Moorhead, MN – Women across Congressional District 7 recognize that national change starts local.  If we can’t get things right at the most basic levels of government, how can we get it right anywhere else?  We will either sacrifice some time, treasure and talent now for the cause, or, if we choose NOT to sacrifice now, we most certainly will sacrifice everything later.

While local BPOUs (Basic Political Operating Units) of the Republican party focus on state and congressional races, we focus on influencing change at the local level.

Daughters for Republican Liberty officially became chartered January 2, 2024.  The purpose of the group is to educate and active women to create conservative campaigns for influencing elections and policy in local school boards, city councils and county commissions.  Whether a woman wants to become a candidate, support a candidate, or campaign for a cause, we provide support & training to local communities of club members.  

We have women joining us from all across CD7, from the northernmost point, to the southern district that used to be a part of CD1.  As such, we meet via Zoom.  This also allows women who are not in a club to have the opportunity to be a part of a club in her Congressional District.  Daughters for Republican Liberty currently has 14 members and is open to true conservative women who are tired of talking and ready for action.

If you are interested in joining, please reach out to CD7 Director Lisa Hahn at:
lisa.joy.hahn@gmail.com OR (218) 688-3022