Northwestern MN November Meeting
River of Life Church 1565 Highway 59 South, Thief River Falls, MNNovember meeting. Please call or email to get zoom information/to attend virtually. Dawn Crowe (218) 244-4930
November meeting. Please call or email to get zoom information/to attend virtually. Dawn Crowe (218) 244-4930
Caucus - What? Everything you need to know about caucus and why it's important Dinner and guest speaker, Lonny Leitner, Chief of Staff for American Majority will talk about "Caucus". What it is and why it's important. Please RSVP - space is limited. Carol Wegner
Monthly Club Meeting with special guest speaker Pastor Joel Molina from Bethesda church in Prior Lake. He will be sharing his international life experiences and perspective having lived under communist rule and focusing us on being grateful and Thankfulness. We also have an election workshop planned with Rita Hillman Olson to prepare for the caucus […]
Our speaker for the November meeting is Jennifer DeJournett. She will give "hands on instruction" for cleaning up voter roles. Jennifer is the Minnesota Executive Director of American Majority and travels the country training Conservatives to get involved in politics and run for office. Contact: JoAnne Smith (150) 736-0075
Watch for more details.
Christmas Social (tentative)
MRW's December guest speaker is Senator Rudy Boschwitz. Rudy Boschwitz was born in Berlin, Germany in 1930. Being an immigrant, Rudy can never be President, which led Bob Dole to remark: “He’s the only Senator I trust. He can’t run for President.” As an after-thought, Bob would add: “and at last count Rudy was the […]
Swearing in the President and vice president Exchange gifs Collect for children for place of hope kid shops Contact: Sylvia Scheibel (320) 224-5126
This month our speaker will be Mary Jo Baarsch - she has over 20 years of experience working in the life sciences, helping companies develop products for animals and people. She has a PhD in microbiology, a business degree, and is an adjunct professor at the University of Minnesota. Mary Jo has worked for major […]
Potluck and update on Red Wing's RECALL CITY HALL project and discussion about upcoming caucusing! THEN....100th anniversary of Miss America is streaming live. Red Wing's Elle Mark is Miss Minnesota, and we are going to watch her go for that crown! Elle would tell you she's been rehearsing for this job interview since she was […]
Annual Christmas Party - Come join our members as we celebrate the Christmas and holiday season together as friends. It's a great time to get to know one another better. Contact: Ann Boyd 952-334-3562
We will have the new President and Vice president sworn in. Then Lynn Torgerson running for Minnesota Attorney General will speak.