Political Leadership Workshop

Mermaid Entertainment & Events Center 2200 Mounds View Blvd, Mounds View, MN

Leadership Institute is providing an all-day workshop designed to teach attendees how to grow & maintain strong, sustainable political organizations by building coalitions with like-minded groups and through fundraising, candidate recruitment, message development and more. To register & learn more CLICK HERE. Contact: Richard Larkin McLay Richard@weberjohnsonpa.com 612-559-3638

Liz Collin – “They’re Lying”

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

Liz Collin, former WCCO investigative journalist talks about her new book, "They're Lying" The Media, The Left and the Death of George Floyd.

Loren Spivack – Founder of Free Market Warrior

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

Loren Spivack - Founder of Free Market Warrior is a popular speaker and author on the conservative circuit. Books by Loren Spivack include "The New Democrat", "The Gorax", "The Wizard of IZ", ....

North Metro Annual Picnic

Coon Lake Park 5451 Lexington Ave, Columbus, MN

Annual Picnic - Coon Lake Park, Shelter #2, Columbus, MN Speakers: GOP Deputy Chair, Donna Bergstrom and MN National GOP Committeewoman, Barb Sutter.

Strategies for Winning in 2024

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

Jennifer DeJournett from American Majority Contact: Candy Sina candysina0@gmail.com 651-274-2001

Rank Choice Voting – Good or Bad

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

MN Senator Mark Koran will come and give his insights on Rank Choice Voting. Contact: Candy Sina candysina0@gmail.com 651-274-2001

Constitutional Rights and Freedoms

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

Our speaker, Marjorie Holsten, attorney and expert on the U.S. Constitution will be sharing insights on the U. S. Constitution and the freedoms we have according to the Constitution. Contact: Candy Sina candysina0@gmail.com 651-274-2001

Christmas Luncheon

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

Please bring non-perishable foods for donation to a local food shelf.

Get Out To Your Caucus

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

GOP Deputy Chair and GOP Executive Director will be speaking on the importance of attending Caucus.

Unions and Conservatives

Thai Twist Restaurant 1009 109th Ave NE, Blaine, MN

Corey VanDenburgh, Vice President of the Homecare Sector of the Service Employees International Union. Corey presentation will be: Union misconceptions, and general overall experience of helping move a blue organization back towards an issue based organization.