Central MN Republican Women
Please update the contact email address of the President. Her new email address is: scheibelsylvia@gmail.com 6:30 pm Presentation. The meeting location is Perkins, 30 Park Ave. South, in St. Cloud.
Please update the contact email address of the President. Her new email address is: scheibelsylvia@gmail.com 6:30 pm Presentation. The meeting location is Perkins, 30 Park Ave. South, in St. Cloud.
The Central Republican Women will not be meeting in August. Next meeting: September 6. Watch for details.
Our speaker will be Senator Andrew Mathews from district 14. He is speak on what happened at the session in the Senate.
Watch for more details.
Swearing in the President and vice president Exchange gifs Collect for children for place of hope kid shops Contact: Sylvia Scheibel scheibelsylvia@gmail.com (320) 224-5126
We will have the new President and Vice president sworn in. Then Lynn Torgerson running for Minnesota Attorney General will speak.
Barbara Banian will be our speaker for this month's meeting.
Speaker: Barbara Banian
Paul will speak about the issues on the St. Cloud City Council.
We have the Assistant director from the pregnancy center will be speaking on topics like their screening of woman for pregnancy, STDs, and other services they provide. Their Walk for Life scheduled for May.
We are having our candidate Bernie Perryman for 14A to speak plus a picnic. Everyone bring a dish to share. Waite Park open air pavilion behind the police station.
We having Representative Tama Theis who is running To be our next Senator from SD14